
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Math Ninja, LLC located?

In-Person Tutoring is located within a 10-mile radius of Mount Pleasant, SC.  We can meet in a location that is convenient for you (Your Home, Local Library, Coffee Shop, or any Public Place).

Online Tutoring can be located anywhere you have access to a computer or tablet and the internet!

How long is a typical tutoring session?

A typical tutoring session is 1-hour.

However, we offer varying lengths depending on your needs.  Any session 1-hour or longer is available in-person and online. 30-minute sessions are available online only.

When do you offer tutoring hours?

Weekday tutoring hours usually run 4:30-5:30 pm, 6-7 pm, and 7:30-8:30 pm on Monday through Thursday.

I offer tutoring seven days a week!  Additional hours are available upon request. Contact me to set up an appointment outside of the hours listed above.

What are your tutoring rates?

K-12 math tutoring (except Calculus) and SAT/ACT test prep are offered at $65/hour on weekdays.  30-minute sessions are offered online only at $45/30 minutes.

Calculus tutoring is offered at $80/hour on weekdays.

You can read more information about rates using this link.


Is your child in need of a tutor?

Unlock your child’s full potential with personalized tutoring. I have extensive experience working with students of all levels, whether they’re gifted and talented, in need of remediation, preparing for tests, or seeking to enhance their study skills and organization.

I still have questions. How can I contact you?

Text/Phone 843-732-0612

Email [email protected]


Important Information

I offer math tutoring for all ages

I offer SAT and ACT test prep tutoring 

We can meet in-person or online

Contact Information

Text/Phone 843-732-0612

Email [email protected]